France 24

  • Key figures
1 M
households around the world
2 M
monthly visits
2 M
video views

France 24, the international news channel 24/7

533 million households reach worldwide \ 200 correspondents

France 24, the international news channel, broadcasts 24/7 to 533 million households around the world in French, Arabic, English and Spanish. The four channels have a combined weekly TV audience of 99,3 million viewers. France 24 gives a French perspective on global affairs through a network of 200 correspondents located in nearly every country. It is available via cable, satellite, DTT, ADSL, on mobile phones, tablets and connected TVs, as well as on YouTube in four languages. Every month, France 24’s digital platforms attract 19,6 million visits and 192,5 million video views (2023 average). France 24 has some 65 million followers on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube.


Target Thematic Packs: Premium

Broadcasted by:

Bouygues, SFR, Free, Roku, Orange, Canal

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